The latest personal finance news and our views


It’s been a very Happy Easter!

Easter has been and gone but is usually a turning point in the housing market each year as plans are made for the coming year in terms of school catchment areas, job moves, better locations for parents, children or just to get a bigger garden. Ensuring you have the finances sorted for your new house...
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How Quickly Time Flies By

It’s incredible just how quickly time flies by. We regularly join a collective of 400 of the UK’s top mortgage and protection brokers all in same room! That isn’t the news here though. The real news from that conference was hearing from England footballer Dave Clarke, multi medal winning Olympic swimmer Claire Cashmore and ‘Storm...
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Hero Stories

Chris’ Hero Case Study

There is no-one better to protect than your own family. It was five years ago on 23rd January, 10:12am to be precise, that my world changed in an instant.The last thing I said to my wife Sharon that morning was “…where do you want to go for a new kitchen?” She didn’t answer as she...
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Recent Feedback – Thank you James!

“The advice I received over a ten year period proved very successful; directly leading to being mortgage free and financially secure. Important subjects, which initially appeared difficult to understand, were explained in their simplest terms to ensure clarity. In more complex decisions, where further detail was required, Chris took his time to explain this to...
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